How to increase your childcare business’s sales, even when fully booked!

day to day operations May 09, 2023

Are you operating a childcare program that is fully booked? Are you looking for ways to increase your revenue without overworking your staff or sacrificing the quality of your services? You're not alone! Many childcare business owners face the same challenge of trying to scale their sales when their programs are jam-packed. Fortunately, there are strategies you can implement to add more value to your customer's experience and boost your bottom line.

In this post, I’ll share five effective strategies that may help you grow sales.

Strategy #1: Add an Extra AM or PM Snack

One way to offer extra value to your clients is to add an additional snack time. Consider starting a breakfast club for the early arrivals or a late snack for those who stay late. Your standard fee might cover two snacks and a warm meal, but adding an extra “breakfast” club can appeal to the families that drop off their kids when you open. When promoting this new service, send an email or newsletter to all your clients sharing about the new “breakfast” club, offering two breakfast options, and asking them to RSVP a month in advance. This way, it gives you time to budget your expenses and organize your schedule.

Strategy #2: Offer Pre-Determined Monthly “Date Night” Care

Another way to increase your revenue is to offer pre-determined monthly “date-night” care where parents pay a fixed fee for three hours to have a date night, for example, from 6:00-9:00 pm. You can make this fun by having a pizza-movie themed party, and your educators would appreciate the extra income. You can also offer other drop-off times, such as during holiday shopping, where parents can drop off their kids between 9-12 a.m., and pay a fixed amount.

Strategy #3: Rent Out Your Space

When your program is already filled up, why not rent out your space on weekends to professionals looking for affordable space for their business, such as speech therapists, mommy and me yoga teachers, dance teachers, or art teachers? This is a great way to boost visibility for your business and increase cash flow. Before you do this, make sure your insurance and lease permit you to sub-lease.

Strategy #4: Start a Side Gig

As an entrepreneur, you can start another side-business without adding to your workload by using your space on Saturdays or Sundays to offer workshops to kids in your community. Hire a teacher or offer the position to an existing employee who can offer workshops on music, creative movement, yoga, or zumba. You can set up six-week sessions for a fixed price, advertise your weekend workshops in your community, and have people sign up on your website. If the teacher you hired is an employee you trust, then they can open the center, meaning you won't have to leave your home physically.

Strategy #5: Become an Affiliate

Leverage your social media or blog to refer products to your customers and become an affiliate on websites like, Amazon, or Create content such as social media posts or blog posts around the product you're referring to your customers.

The products you refer to your readers should relate to a problem your customer may be facing. For example, you can refer to ideal books for early readers, kids with speech delays, educational toys that help with cognitive skills or promote family time, family-friendly hotels, and services like catering services or online courses that your ideal customer would value.
In conclusion, there are many ways to scale your sales even when your childcare program is fully booked.

By implementing these strategies, you can add more value to your customer's experience and increase your revenue. Remember to always lead with value, and not spammy sales emails or posts, to boost your cash flow.

Let me know which one you’re going to implement!

I hope this blesses you and your business-

Childcare Business Strategist
Marketing and consultant

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