$141.00 USD

Basic Plan-3 Month membership

A 3 month membership that will help you put your program on the map organically and stay up-to-date with marketing strategies without paying agency prices.

What you'll get:

  • A 30-day content calendar with original content (Value of $147

  •  Done-for-you graphics and promo videos (Value of $147)

  •  Access to support and community (Priceless)

  • Weekly IG reel releases
  •  1-hour of marketing training per month (Value of $149)

  • 30 day project based lesson unit ( Value of $27)
  • Access to a texting feature that sends you your daily social media post and graphic (Value of $29)


What People Are Saying:

Great service and love the texting feature

The editable graphics have been incredibly helpful for me. I tried some making images in Canva before myself, but it is not my skill and I couldn’t get good results. This is very helpful.
